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Floating Debris on the River

Day 1 of 5 day patrol – Ossining to Kingston
River at some locations is full of floating debris, mostly wood, millions of water chestnut seeds, some trash. There was a monster high tide a few days ago and there has been very little wind since. All this stuff was lifted off the bank by the high water and it’ll take wind to sweep it all back ashore. It forms long lines or rafts where it’s being captured by the current. Some you can steer around, others you just have to slide through dead slow.

These photos taken between Storm King and Newburg – Beacon Bridges.

Day 2 of 5 day patrol- Kingston north

Early Sunday morning at Kingston. Unloading “days catch” from yesterday. Containers, one tire on rim, dock foam, bait containers. This is stuff just grabbed with dip net underway yesterday.

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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