Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Photos by John Lipscomb The start of the kayak race. Flotilla’s on the move down the Hudson River to North Cove Marina Towing the rafts back to Pier 96 Riverkeeper’s New York WaterFest. We had great luck with the weather. In the morning the “Fletcher” […] More
9/20/06: Continue northbound patrol from Garrison to Saugerties. Begin investigation of a crane barge at the Clinton Point stone quarry found backfilling a underwater fissure adjacent to the quarry with large amounts of crushed stone. It is not clear whether the quarry has a permit […] More
9/18: Nyack to Newtown Creek. Patrol Newtown Creek with two members of the press and Riverkeeper staff. Patrol back to Nyack via the East River and Harlem River with a new Harlem River Watchdog, Riverkeeper staff, and three architects from a Columbia University urban design […] More
Photo by John Lipscomb Laurence Luo, Beijing’s future Waterkeeper on patrol on the Hudson. More
Nyack to Newtown Creek. Patrol the creek with RvK staff, two still photographers and a MTV video crew. There is a lot of oil and sheen on the creek today. Looking down over the deck edge at oil on Newtown Creek. Trash, tires and debris […] More
Patrol the Croton River at the Metro North rail yard. Oil is percolating out of the sediment at a storm drain which runs under the railroad property. Riverkeeper has begun investigation/discussion with Metro North. More
DEC Fisheries staff with their sturgeon tracking hydrphone on deck. Nyack to Hastings. Assist staff from the NYS DEC Fisheries Unit to retrieve a sturgeon tracking hydrophone and its mooring. The float buoy had separated from the instrument which was lying on the bottom. The […] More
Kingston Lighthouse at the entrance to Rondout Creek Patrol southbound from Waterford to Nyack; overnight on Rondout Creek. More
A fisherman catching bait fish at the Orangetown sewer outfall. This plantis in violation and discharges “material” which attracts small bait fish. Outing on the Tappan Zee with several new “Watchdogs” and Sabrina, our watchdog coordinator. Patrol Grandview, Piermont and the combined Orangetown / S. […] More
GE Silicones discharge at Waterford and the DEC pollution dischargepermit sign. The discharge smelled like a laudromat.Also patrol Fiona Island with the skiff. It’s a small island on the Hudson north of Waterford which was willed to RK several years ago as nature habitat – […] More