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Liquid Assets: New York’s Watersheds & Waterways

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February 22, 2017: 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Museum of the City of New York, 1220 5th Ave & 103rd St, New York, NY 10029
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What can New York City do to protect its drinking water supply and its recreational waters in the coming decades? How is that supply affected by climate change, and what must we do to adapt? Join urban ecologist Timon McPhearson for a deep dive into NYC’s complex water systems, which powerfully illustrate our city’s dependency on – and symbiotic relationship to –  its larger regional environment and economy.

Additional speakers to be announced shortly; check back and join our email list for updates.

This is the third program in our new series, New York’s Future in a Changing Climate, which explores the challenges and opportunities presented in the Museum’s Future City Lab, the interactive third gallery in the New York at Its Core exhibition.

Dr. Timon McPhearson is an Associate Professor of Urban Ecology, Director of the Urban Systems Lab, and is on the research faculty at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School. His work has been published in scientific journals such as Nature and Nature Climate Change as well as in books including Urban Planet (forthcoming from Cambridge University Press). He co-leads the US National Science Foundation “Urban Resilience to Extreme Weather Related Events” Sustainability Research Network in the US and Latin America.

$25 for adults | $20 for seniors, students, and educators (with ID) | $15 for Museum Members.
Includes Museum admission.