The Department of Environmental Protection is holding their citywide public meeting on New York City’s CSO Long Term Control Plan.
DEP will provide a brief presentation at 6:30pm.
When there are heavy rains and the sewer system is at full capacity, a diluted mixture of rain water and sewage, known as combined sewage, may overow into local waterways as a combined sewer overow (CSO). The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is currently developing CSO Long Term Control Plans (LTCP) that will identify and evaluate alternatives to reduce the impact of CSOs in NYC’s waterbodies and waterway.
At this Annual Citywide Public Meeting, DEP will report on the work performed in 2014 on the individual LTCPs for Alley Creek, Westchester Creek, Hutchinson River, Flushing Creek and the Gowanus Canal and provide a look ahead to the upcoming LTCPs for Bronx River and Coney Island. In addition, DEP will provide an update on its Green Infrastructure program and NYC’s Climate Resiliency Plan.
They want your input to improve water quality in the City’s waterbodies.
How to Get Involved?
To RSVP, please email [email protected] or call (718) 595-3496.
For more information on DEP’s CSO program, please visit our LTCP Program website at
Hostos Community College
Savoy Multi-Purpose room
500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451