News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > “Right to Harm,” with Mark Bittman at the Bedford Playhouse

“Right to Harm,” with Mark Bittman at the Bedford Playhouse

Right to Harm
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June 14, 2018: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Bedford Palyhouse, 633 Old Post Road, Bedford, NY 10506 map

Right to Harm
Join this special event including exclusive footage and select scenes from forthcoming documentary “Right to Harm“. The evening includes a Q&A with both Executive Producer and prominent New York Times food author and activist, Mark Bittman, and the directors, Matt Wechsler and Annie Speicher.

Factory Farms (CAFOs): Industry experts’ “get big or get out” mantra in support of factory farming, has left us with an industrial farming model that torments neighboring residents with a myriad of toxic symptoms and diseases. What used to be termed a “right to farm” has given way through inadequate government regulation to a corporate “right to harm” — and led to the pollution of local communities with toxic chemical and biological waste.

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