Ulster County is holding their public hearing on the proposed Bring Your Own Bag Act of Ulster County. Please join Riverkeeper and speak in favor of the BYOBag Act of Ulster County. This legislation would ban single-use plastic bags and impose a fee on alternatives, a model that has proven to be effective. Just days ago, marine officials in Thailand discovered nearly 80 plastic bags in the stomach of a dead pilot whale. If we continue with unrelenting consumption of single-use plastic, it is predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. In an attempt to address the plastic pollution within its own borders, India announced its plan to eliminate all single-use plastics by 2022. Until the State acts on this issue, it is up to local governments to step up and implement common-sense plastic bag policies.
We will need to demonstrate to the legislature that there is strong support from this amongst Ulster County residents. Please help spread the word!
Scientific support for a plastic bag reduction law
Study on microplastics and microbeads in the Hudson River and NYC waterways