The Environmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns and the Dutchess County Environmental Management Council are hosting an Urban Wilderness Festival and Environmental Fair at the newly renovated Vassar barns (rain or shine)! The event will feature numerous activities, including: a geochaching demonstration; guided walks to the beaver dam and on other preserve trails; kids activities, including face painting, a scavenger hunt, and a photo booth with wildlife masks.
Vassar students will give informal presentations about research work they’ve done at the preserve, on campus and in the community, including a study on assessing culverts and road crossings in the Fall Kill and Casperkill Watersheds and aquatic connectivity for migratory fish species such as the American Eel. Numerous local organizations, including Hudson River Housing’s Middle Main Initiative, Riverkeeper, the Waterman Bird Club, and Dutchess County Master Gardeners, will be onsite as well.
Don’t miss out on this afternoon of fun and activities!
Riverkeeper will have a table at this event, so please stop by and say hello! If you are interested in volunteering for Riverkeeper at the Urban Wilderness Festival and Environmental Fair, sign up here or contact Jen Benson at [email protected].