On Saturday, May 11, 2013, hundreds of volunteers will flock to the shores of the Hudson for the 2nd annual Riverkeeper Sweep, our day of service for the Hudson River. In 2012, 450 volunteers removed more than seven tons of shoreline trash and planted hundreds of trees in 30 Hudson River communities. In 2013, the Sweep will be bigger and better—it has to be, since Superstorm Sandy did so much to trash our shorelines.
YOU can help make this event a success. Dozens of volunteers—individuals like you who care about reclaiming our river—have signed up as Sweep Leaders to put their communities on the map (see below). Now is your chance to make a difference by leading a shoreline cleanup by foot or kayak along your favorite stretch of the river or one of its tributaries. Riverkeeper supports Sweep leaders with organizational and promotional help, as well as materials on the day of the Sweep. Register as a leader today.
For information, please contact Dana Gulley and Dan Shapley at [email protected] or visit riverkeeper.org/sweep.
View Riverkeeper Sweep 2013 in a larger map