Speak up
Add your voice to movements driving meaningful change for the Hudson River and its communities

I want to swim in the river!
Add your name to this letter supporting more public swimming locations on the Hudson River and the waters around NYC.

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
Tell Governor Hochul we need her leadership to prevent Asian carp from entering the Hudson River via the Erie Canal – a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect native ecology.

Add your name: Speed Up the Cleanup
PFAS contaminates drinking water sources in Newburgh and New Windsor. While communities rely on other sources, Riverkeeper and local partners call for a faster cleanup.
Join the fight for clean water
Riverkeeper’s work is only possible because of support from people like you who care about the Hudson and the communities that rely on it.
miles of river patrolled annually, from the Upper Hudson and Mohawk River all the way to New York Harbor
tons of debris removed from the river by thousands of Riverkeeper volunteers since 2012
$5.5 billion for clean water allocated since 2017 from New York State thanks to our advocacy work
letters to lawmakers and decision makers in one year