In early May, nearly 20 environmental, conservation and sportsman groups sent a letter to New York’s federal delegation urging them to stand up for a robust, fully-funded EPA. The letter is copied below. We urge you to contact your representatives to support the EPA, NOAA and federal programs that support and protect clean water.
RE: New York State Needs a Robust, Fully-Funded EPA
Dear New York’s Congressional delegation:
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, and the hundreds of thousands of New York residents that we collectively represent, we respectfully urge you to support a robust, fully- funded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the FY2018 federal budget. We are grateful that Congress largely maintained funding levels for EPA in the recent budget agreement for the remainder of FY2017, rejecting appeals by the Trump administration to make significant cuts to key environmental programs during the current fiscal year.
In response to burning rivers and smog-filled cities, the U.S. demonstrated great foresight in creating the EPA in 1970. For more than 45 years, the EPA has played a critical role in enforcing laws, conducting scientific research, and implementing programs that protect our land, air, water, and health. From fighting acid rain to restoring our treasured waterways to protecting communities from toxics, the EPA has helped make New York cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable. We now face significant challenges such as climate change and emerging pollutants in our waters, making EPA’s role as important as ever.
As you know, the president’s proposed budget for FY2018 slashes EPA funding by 31%, which would be the most significant cut to any federal agency, and result in cutting over 20% of EPA staff. These cuts would decimate EPA’s ability to address a broad range of significant responsibilities, including enforcement of national environmental laws, critical scientific research, and implementation of programs that directly impact New York. In addition, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has many staff positions that are dependent on grant funding from the EPA, including over 80 positions in the Division of Water. New Yorkers are depending upon our Congressional delegation to fend off these unjustified, draconian cuts that would eviscerate programs to protect New York’s land, air, water, and health.
New York’s environment and economy are dependent upon having a strong and fully-funded EPA. Air and water pollution does not respect state boundaries, therefore; pollution that occurs in other states impacts our environment and public health in New York. EPA establishes and enforces national standards, which helps to curb interstate pollution and ensures a level playing field for states and businesses. Therefore, states don’t have to sacrifice the health and welfare of their residents in competing with one another for business, thus avoiding a “race to the bottom.” Businesses then operate on a level playing field from one state to the next. New York often stands as a national leader on issues of environmental protection, and must not be put at a
competitive disadvantage to states that don’t put as much value in environmental and public health protection. Uniform environmental regulations are good for New York’s businesses.
New York State depends on a host of programs funded through the EPA budget, including but not limited to: