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Riverkeeper supports 5 borough shoreline resiliency plan for NYC


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On anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, Riverkeeper testifies in support of a comprehensive approach to protection from climate change, sea level rise and tidal flooding – and against plans for costly, ill-conceived storm surge barriers.

Riverkeeper testified this afternoon before the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection in support of legislation (Intro 1620) to create a comprehensive five borough plan to protect the shorelines from climate change, sea level rise and tidal flooding.

Read Riverkeeper’s complete testimony here.

“As we are all aware, there have been, and continue to be, a number of plans throughout New York City and the region to address some combination of climate change, sea level rise, and storm surge flooding. Both the city and state administrations have proposed plans and the federal Army Corps of Engineers is in the midst of a multi-million dollar study to propose multi-billion dollar structures throughout our area. Unfortunately, the processes by which these plans are advancing repeatedly fail to effectively include community voices, and the plans are either ad hoc or fail to address the depth and breadth of issues facing our region.

“… Both our government and communities need to come together to figure out how to live with, and be surrounded by, the ever rising waters in our area.”

We point to positive strategies being used by Climate Ready Boston, including shore-based defenses and measures that offer multiple benefits, such as recreational space that absorbs flooding. The remarks were delivered by Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay, Director of Advocacy and Engagement Jessica Roff and Senior Attorney Michael Dulong.

Riverkeeper is also supporting legislation (Intro 1480) to create a program to dispose of or reuse marine debris left on public beaches, and a bill (Intro 382), providing notification to property owners in special flood hazard areas of their risk and flood insurance requirements. We urge the council to expand the bill to inform by mail all New Yorkers in the 100- and 500-year floodplains of their potential risk.

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