Hudson River gets a boost in NYS budget
April 2, 2018

Riverkeeper on patrol at Poughkeepsie, in the stretch of the Hudson that 100,000 people rely on for drinking water. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
- Tell the Governor to pass the Drug Take Back Act!Riverkeeper supports S.7354 Hannon/A.9576 Gunther, the Drug Take Back Act, to expand drug take back programs and shift the cost of from the taxpayer to the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals.
- Tell the Governor to keep his promise on plastic bagsRiverkeeper supports S.7760 Krueger/A.9953 Englebright, a statewide policy banning single-use plastic bags and levying a ten-cent fee on alternative bags. The most effective policy to reduce plastic bag pollution involves a ban on single-use plastic bags and a fee on single-use paper bags.
- Register today to join this year's Sweep on May 5!
Related campaigns

Water quality monitoring
Riverkeeper is the go-to source for information about the quality of the water along the Hudson River and its tributaries

Sewer and stormwater pollution
Working to keep sewage and street pollution out of our waterways

Emerging and unregulated contaminants
Toxic chemicals can harm the health of people, wildlife, aquatic ecosystems