New York City’s drinking water is world renowned for its purity and taste. It routinely wins taste tests and won first prize at the 2008 New York State Fair, beating out 150 other communities.
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We all have the right to know what’s in our drinking water. The Safe Drinking Water Act, passed in 1976, authorized the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set drinking water standards for all public water systems. Water utilities are required to monitor and treat drinking water to meet these federal standards and notify the public about any detected regulated contaminant or other water quality violation.
The centerpiece of these right-to-know provisions is the annual water quality report intended to help consumers make informed choices about their drinking water.
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According to the EPA, the leading source of pollution in surface drinking water supplies is polluted rainwater runoff. Many pollutants are found in legal, commonly used household products – cleaning chemicals for our homes, oil and gasoline for our vehicles, pesticides and fertilizers for our lawns, and pharmaceuticals for ourselves.
Please review our easy to follow guidelines on what you can do to protect our shared drinking water supplies –Reducing Pollutants in Your Watershed