A message from the President
December 7, 2011
Riverkeeper Team
Dear Friends,
This holiday season I want you know just how grateful I am to you and all our other Riverkeeper members for helping us achieve so much in 2011.
You’ve stood with Riverkeeper as we’ve faced unprecedented environmental challenges. You’ve helped us demand that as a nation we do not squander our collective blessings, but instead cherish and protect our extraordinary natural resources -- especially the gift of clean water.
As you and your family consider the many wonderful organizations deserving of your support this year, please resolve to make an end-of-year gift to Riverkeeper. We fight David-and-Goliath battles for your right to safe, drinkable water and a healthy Hudson. We need your help to win these battles.
Here are just a few things we could do next year, with your support for Riverkeeper:
Donations to our Watershed Program will help us take the battle over fracking right to the oil and gas industry, which is trying to profit from New York’s natural resources at terrible cost to our water quality and quality of life.
Support our Hudson River Program and our Close Indian Point campaign and we’ll fight for the clean energy solutions that we New Yorkers so desperately need to replace old, ecologically-destructive power plants.
With your help, our Patrol Boat will be back on the Hudson, testing water quality, nailing polluters and protecting your right to enjoy the river safely.
2011 was an amazing year in the fight for clean water. PCB removal operations in the Hudson are actually ahead of schedule. Investment in clean water infrastructure is finally starting to grow again. Increasing majorities of New Yorkers now understand that fracking and Indian Point are too risky to rely on. Let’s use this incredible momentum to make 2012 the best year for water quality since the creation of the federal Clean Water Act, which will mark its 40th Anniversary in October. This landmark law has a simple goal, which has yet to be achieved: the public deserves water that is clean enough to drink, safe enough to swim in and healthy enough for fish to thrive in. Riverkeeper has never lost sight of that goal and we know that you haven’t either. Please, help us make it a reality.
Happy Holidays and our very best wishes for a healthy New Year.
Paul Gallay
President & Hudson Riverkeeper
P.S. If you have already made a year-end gift to Riverkeeper, thank you so much! We are deeply grateful for your support.