I came down to the TZB early last Tuesday morning to look at the dredges. Took the chance because I was meeting my mechanic early in Piermont for our annual 2 days at the engine spa.
No luck observing the dredge activity. Too dark at 0500 and both dredges were idle. I imagine that there was a total shut down for Labor Day. So I was drifting around, waiting.
At 0600 the radio lit up with crew boat and tug traffic as the dredging and pile driving operation started up. Sunrise was around 0630 but it was slow due to heavy overcast.
At about 0610 I heard an Osprey cry. Familiar for me now because we always look in on the nest near Ossining. In came the bird, straight in from the south, and without any hesitation landed on the stern frame. It waited for me to fumble around like a fool for the camera, then off it went.

Photo courtesy of John Lipscomb
Can’t top that. I’m blessed.