Action Needed! Support the Albany County Styrofoam Ban
February 3, 2017

(Source, Dan Century, 2007)

- Polystyrene is not recyclable and not compostable. There are plenty of affordable and environment-friendly alternatives available. I don’t mind paying a few extra cents to take care of the environment and live more sustainably.
- Reducing the use of polystyrene will be good for our environment. There is a lot of polystyrene in our creeks and along the Hudson River. It breaks down into small pieces, so it’s hard to clean up and gets eaten by fish and birds. This is something we use for a few minutes, but it lasts 500 years.
- Polystyrene products are comprised of Styrene and Benzene, organic compounds associated with cancer. Styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” (U.S. National Research Council, 2014). Styrene can migrate from polystyrene containers into food and beverages when heated, or when in contact with fatty or acidic foods.
- Sign a letter to show support for the ban. Write to us to get the letter, call script, and a list of restaurants to contact.
- If they're onboard, ask if they'd like to be listed in our "foam free directory", which will be sent to over 1,000 people who signed the movement’s online and paper petitions
- Encourage everyone in favor of the ban, especially restaurants, to come speak at the Albany County Legislature meeting on Mon. Feb. 13th at 6:15 pm. There will not be at vote at this time, but we need to show strong numbers.
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