Ecology Research with the College of Mount Saint Vincent
October 5, 2011
The Riverkeeper boat serves many purposes on the Hudson River, sometimes as a watchdog and patrol vessel, sometimes as a platform for scientific research and water quality monitoring, and sometimes as an ambassador for the river. This past weekend we were able to fill all of these roles at once while on patrol with ecology students from the College of Mount Saint Vincent.
The focus of the outing was using science to influence policy and letting data "speak for itself," which is a major theme of our water quality research. Students measured turbidity and salinity while aboard. The students were also able to learn how about how the river is a giant living being thing that experiences environmental changes constantly.
We find that the ability to conduct research on the boat instead of in a lab is always a positive experience, especially on a beautiful fall day on the Hudson.
Thanks to Professor Patricia Grove and her students for a great outing!
Captain Lipscomb giving some history of the Riverkeeper boat.

Professor Patricia Grove explaining the use of a Secchi disk to measure turbidity.

Captain Lipscomb showing students what a "hot" water quality sample looks like once it's processed. The fluorescence indicates Entero growth.

Rob Friedman explaining salinity stratification in the river.