Help us Fight for a Healthy Hudson and a Smart Tappan Zee Bridge
April 6, 2012
Riverkeeper Team
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Department of Transportation are rushing forward with plans to build a new Tappan Zee bridge without adequately considering alternatives or legitimate community concerns – and without adequately protecting the Hudson River from significant damage that would result from this massive construction project.
We have to stop it, and we need your help. Please contribute to our Tappan Zee bridge campaign today.
If you’re concerned about the lack of public transportation in the plan, or the visual impact this bridge could have on our scenery, help us. If you’re outraged by the proposal to rip a trench at least a mile long through more than 160 acres of Hudson River habitat, make a contribution. If you want to see the state present real alternatives, and truly account for the long-term costs, please join us in this fight.
The government has seemingly made its decision. There is construction equipment in the river today, before the ink is even dry on the draft environmental impact study that is supposed to be done before construction begins, and only after the public has its say.
The rush to build is breathtaking in a modern democracy and from a governor who pledged to make New York the “progressive capitol of the nation.”
That’s why we must fight, and why we need your help now. Riverkeeper was founded to protect the Hudson, and our formative battles codified citizens’ rights to change or stop projects that aren’t in the best interest of communities or the environment.
A contribution to Riverkeeper now will help us raise the money we need to pay for the scientific studies, the legal support and the public advocacy that will be needed to turn the tide in this fight. Your donations will help Riverkeeper establish a legal record the state must reckon with. If the state insists on forcing through this undemocratic and ill-conceived project, Riverkeeper stands ready to sue to force compliance with laws designed to protect the environment and the public’s rights. Those law are on the books for a reason, and your contribution will gives us the bulwark we need to stand up for what is right.
Please be as generous as you can. Together, we can make a difference.