Riverkeeper Announces Settlement with EPA on Cooling Water Intake Regulations
December 16, 2010
- In exchange for EPA’s commitment to issue new regulations, Riverkeeper and the other plaintiffs agreed to dismiss both cases, but retained the right to reopen the 1993 lawsuit if the EPA misses either deadline.
- EPA will solicit public comment on whether to subject the cooling water intakes at these facilities to national performance standards.
- EPA will keep Riverkeeper and our co-plaintiffs informed of key milestones throughout the rulemaking process. Senior EPA staff will meet with Riverkeeper if milestones are missed by more than 10 days.
- Closed-cycle cooling is a proven, reliable technology that has been in use at power plants around the country for decades. Nearly half the nuclear power plants currently operating use closed-cycle systems.
- Rather than gradually adjusting and incorporating new technology into its operating fleet over the last 40 years, the power plant industry has actively fought any attempt by the EPA or individual states to require modernization of power plants’ cooling water intake systems.
- Industry and individual plant owners will have time to plan for compliance with the rule. Industry reports assume that all 500 power plants subject to the rule would have to retrofit to closed-cycle cooling immediately following the issuance of new regulations, without regard to the cost or potential reliability concerns. In fact, compliance with any final new regulation that EPA issues in 2012 will happen over a lengthy timeframe as individual facility permits come up for renewal, and EPA will take a hard look at the compliance costs and the electricity market as a whole to ensure that any plant closures that might occur, if any, do not adversely affect the power grid.
- The EPA rulemaking process under this settlement provides the industry and the general public significant opportunity to comment on the draft regulations, thereby ensuring robust public participation and input.
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