Carol Knudson of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory takes a sample of Hudson River water for analysis by Cornell University scientist Damian Helbling, who is examining "micropollutants" like pharmaceuticals. (Photo by Leah Rae / Riverkeeper)
Water quality sampling for July is underway, with the Riverkeeper patrol boat ready to complete its monthly sampling of the estuary Saturday, coinciding with the sampling of the Rondout, Wallkill and Roe Jan. The Saw Mill Sparkill, Pocantico, Catskill, Esopus and Saw Kill, as well as waterfront access points in Ossining and New York City will have been completed, leaving only the Mohawk to complete on Monday. This month's milestone included the
first sampling event on the East River, where we gathered 30 samples in partnership with our longtime collaborator Dr. Greg O'Mullan of CUNY Queens College. We and our partners will take more measures of water quality this month than any other so far this year, over 1,300.
Thanks to the more than three dozen partner organizations and 150 individuals that make it all possible!