Microbeads in toothpaste. Photo: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
What are Microbeads?
Over the past ten years, producers of personal care products have added small plastic beads, commonly known as “microbeads” to hundreds of products including facial cleansers, body wash, shampoos, and toothpaste. Microbead pollution enters our waters when a product is used and washed off. This pollution is released into waters through sewageoverflows or treatment plants not designed to remove microbeads (Brown et al., 2012; Leslie et al., 2012).

Infographic from the 5 Gyres Institute
What are the risks?
Microbeads attract and mix with toxic chemicals, such as PCBs or DDT, many of which have serious impacts on our waters and the creatures that live in them (Lithner et al., 2011). Microbeads are similar in size to food sources for a number of fish and other marine creatures, leading them to consume the microbeads and the toxins that cling to them. The chemicals then accumulate as they move up the food chain to larger fish, wildlife and people (Farrel & Nelson, 2013).
The Story of Stuff explains microbeads.
Video loading...Learn more about what microbeads are doing to our environment from the 5 Gyres Institute.
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Photo: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
A single product (like toothpaste) may contain up to 350,000 microbeads (5 Gyres et al., 2013)! According to the NYS Attorney General, some 19 tons of microbeads (the equivalent weight of 9.5 average cars) enter the wastewater stream in New York annually and microbeads have been found in large amounts in New York State’s waters (Schneiderman, 2014).
Listen to our friends at WNYC and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater explain the microbeads problem in the Hudson River.
What is Riverkeeper Doing? Get Involved!

Beat the Microbead App. Courtesy of the Plastic Soup Foundation
M.A. Browne et al., ‘Accumulations of microplastic on shorelines worldwide: sources and sinks’, in: Environmental Science &Technology 45 (2011), pp. 9175/9179
H.A. Leslie et al., ‘Verkennende studie naar lozing van microplastics door rwzi’s’ in: H2O 14/15 (juli 2012), pp. 45-47.
D. Lithner et al., ‘Environmental and health hazard ranking and assessment of plastic polymers based on chemical composition’, in: Science of the total environment 409 (2011), pp. 3309–3324.
P. Farrel en K. Nelson, ‘Trophic level transfer of microplastic: Mytilus edulis (L.) to Carcinus maenas (L.)’, in: Environmental Pollution 177 (2013), pp. 1-3.
5 Gyres Institute et al., “Microplastics in consumer products and in the marine environment” (2013). Available at
http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.americancanoe.org/resource/resmgr/SPP-documents/5_Gyres_Position_Paper_on_Mi.pdfOffice of NYS AG Eric Schneiderman. “Unseen Threat: How Microbeads Threaten New York Waters, Wildlife, Health, and Environment.” (2014) Available at