Message to President-Elect: ‘Our air and water are more valuable than short-term profit’
November 17, 2016
Riverkeeper Team

Photo: Gage Skidmore
Here at Riverkeeper, we knew our supporters would rise up to face the challenges ahead, given that our next president has promised deep cuts in environmental regulations.
But we didn’t see this coming: A gift to support Riverkeeper’s work, “in honor” of Donald Trump, with a message to the president-elect attached.
Our online donation form provides the opportunity to make a gift in someone’s honor. And so it was with surprise that we saw Mr. Trump as the honoree.
"As President of the United States,” the attached note read, “please preserve our country's natural resources. Our air and water are more valuable than short-term profit for businesses."
Amen, we say.
And thank you.
We are redoubling our efforts to protect this river and the watershed that gives life to the Hudson Valley. Please consider a gift that sustains this work, and visit this page.
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