Patrolling north through the federal dam
April 27, 2007
We were southbound from Waterford through the Federal Lock at Troy. Below this last lock is the tidal estuary - 150 miles to the Battery. This Lock Keeper is always interested to know what's happening on the river so we held the lock to compare river notes. These are interesting men - like lighthose keepers.
This is a well established nest near Coeymans. Looks like mom or pop is standing watch.In the past RK has reported tree cutting and land clearing activity near this nest to the DEC.
For almost 100 years there were no nesting pairs on the HR Estuary - now there are at least 18. Full credit goes to the DEC Endangered Species Unit.
On 6/28 the US Dept. of the Interior removed the Bald Eagle from the endangered species list. The birds are still protected by the Bald Eagle Act of 1940.
We checked a backwater tidal steam and marsh near the eagle nesting site. The deck of the bridge has been removed but people are crossing on the steel beams and there is a well worn path heading off into the wooded/wild area next to the river. The "Road Closed" sign has a hundred or so bullet holes in it. A guy with a gun can do a lot of damage to signs - and wildlife. Riverkeeper is asking the State to set aside more land for wildlife protection in the upper Estuary.
Photos by John Lipscomb

John Mylod fishing just South of Poughkeepsie for Shad. He reported lots of bass and strippers but only the beginning of Shad.