River Herring in the Hudson in decline
April 28, 2007
Two almost dead herring in a holding pen at a bait supplier's dock. When they are almost dead their eyes fog up - like cataracts. River Herring (Alewife and Blueback) are taken during their spawning runs as bait for the recreational Stripped Bass fishery. Populations of both (as well as Shad, which is also a herring) have crashed in the region.
In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut all herring fisheries are closed. It's illegal to POSSESS a herring in those states but in NY the fishery continues. In NY the DEC would like to have better science on the health of the River Herring runs but the Fisheries Unit hasn't received sufficient funding in the past to gather that data. Without data it's hard to institute management plans or closures.
Riverkeeper is asking that protection of the Hudson's signature species be fully funded and given the highest priority. Learn more.
Photo by John Lipscomb

4/28: The Half Moon. A replica of Henry Hudson’s ship.