Saving the Lower Esopus
March 30, 2012
Riverkeeper Team
Esopus Creek is a world renowned trout stream that runs through the heart of the Catskill Mountains before emptying into the Hudson River in Saugerties NY. For more than a century, the surrounding hills and crystal clear water of Esopus Creek have provided the ideal backdrop for generations of fly fishermen.
After more than a decade of fighting to preserve and protect the waters and fishery of Upper Esopus Creek, in January 2011, Riverkeeper joined with our partner organizations, citizens, and local officials in the effort to address the muddy waters of the Lower Esopus, which historically has supported other diverse fisheries and a variety of recreational activities. The battle to save the Lower Esopus has been a roller coaster ride of setbacks and small victories, but 2011 - 2012 has proven to be the most pivotal in the ongoing struggle to reclaim a community’s once-pristine, thriving stream.
News on Esopus
New York Times: Muddying of Beloved Creek Is Last Straw for Neighbors of a City Reservoir