Riverkeeper Team
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 2:44 PMTo: John LipscombSubject: Update
At 1355 on Wednesday March 7, 2012 I took two friends to see the Retired Staten Island Ferry that is taking on water at SteelWays Shipyard in New Windsor, NY. We went to the Newburgh Rowing Club location just north of the Ferry for the best perspective. Immediately upon exiting the car we were hit with the strong odor of fuel oil. Upon further inspection a large sheen was seen on the water between the rowing docks and the ferry. This sheen is made all the more obvious as the wind was blowing 15-20 knots out of the SSE and the river was full of whitecaps, except where the oil was dampening the wave action.
BA --------------------------------
NYS DEC Spill Response is in contact with the Coast Guard and the environmental clean up contractor on site. Currently, the salvage company is performing a dive survey to determine the best way to raise the vessel.
The area is surrounded by 1000 ft of boom to capture any residual oil/gas, just in case.
However, all petroleum products were removed from the vessel when it was retired.
We just received this email from a citizen in Newburgh reporting that a retired Staten Island ferry is capsizing. We're waiting on more information.
From: BA
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 2:01 PM
To: John Lipscomb
Subject: Ferry
Attached are photos taken at 1335 Monday March 5th from Newburgh Rowing Docks. Two small boats in the vicinity setting/tending oil containment boom.