The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act would roll back 40 years of Clean Water Act protection by stripping away EPA’s authority over our nation’s water quality standards. Before the Clean Water Act, states were free to set their own standards, which resulted in a “race to the bottom” to attract industrial development, and interstate conflicts when one state’s pollution problems were passed downstream to another. The Clean Water Act enabled EPA to create a level playing field for water quality across the country that improved our waters and protected public health. This proposed legislation would undo all of that, a recipe for a return to dirtier waters – we need your support to make sure this doesn’t happen!
If passed, this law would:
The Clean Water Act is the basis for every battle Riverkeeper fights. Please write and call your Congressperson today and urge them to oppose HR 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011!