Consolidated Edison applies to the Federal Power Commission (FPC) for a license to construct a huge hydroelectric facility on Storm King Mountain.
Eastern Airlines pilot and writer Art Glowka and biologist Dominick Pirone visit Indian Point power plant and discover 10,000 dead fish entrained on the plant’s intake pipe screens.
A group of fishermen meet to bemoan the pollution of the Hudson River and the destruction of its fisheries. Fisherman and Sports Illustrated writer Bob Boyle informs them about the Refuse Act of 1899 which forbids pollution of national waterways and awards a bounty to whoever turns in a polluter. Boyle proposes the creation of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association (HRFA).
Boyle testifies against Storm King, citing its projected fish kills and a study that shows that the Hudson Highlands is a critical spawning ground for Atlantic Coast striped bass.
The FPC grants Con Ed a license to build Storm King. Scenic Hudson and HRFA sue to reverse the decision in the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. In December, the Court of Appeals reverses the FPC’s decision.
The first HRFA public meeting is held in Crotonville, NY under President Richie Garrett.
The FPC opens new hearings on Storm King, and HRFA joins Scenic Hudson as interveners.
HRFA sues Penn Central whose pipes at Croton Harmon have been discharging oil into the Croton River for years. HRFA wins its case against Penn Central and collects its first bounty of $2,000.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is created requiring federal agencies to review the full environmental impacts of every major decision.
HRFA investigates the Anaconda Wire and Copper Company in Hastings-on-Hudson which has dumped oil and solvents into the river for years.
HRFA membership now reaches 300.