Riverkeeper Multi-Year Study Answers Question - Is My Tap Water Safe to Drink?
May 22, 2013
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the operator of the City’s water supply system, maintains a robust and comprehensive water quality testing program. In all four years reviewed, the City tested drinking water for more contaminants than any of the U.S. cities surveyed (an average of 266 over the study period), except for San Francisco in 2008 (249 vs. 231).
- All cities had very few exceedances, indicating that overall drinking water quality in the cities surveyed is very high.
- Lead contamination, which is caused by lead soldered plumbing in older buildings, remains a concern at the tap. Over the four-year study period, New York reported the highest average number of samples that exceeded drinking water standards for lead (14.8). Boston reported an average of 11.5 exceedances and the remaining surveyed cities ranged from 0.0 (San Jose, Chicago, San Francisco) to 4.7 (Philadelphia). In 2010, New York established a program to replace all city-owned lead service lines and subsequently reported a reduced number of lead exceedances (30 in 2010 to 20 in 2011).
- Waterborne pathogens are present in New York City’s water supply system. The City reported detection of small numbers (<12) of waterborne pathogens in approximately 80% of the water samples tested. Two pathogens of concern are the microscopic protozoa Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Although no waterborne disease outbreaks were attributed to City drinking water supplies, the presence of any potentially disease-causing organisms in drinking water supplies is of concern, particularly to upstate communities that receive water from the Catskill/Delaware system that has not been treated by the City’s UV disinfection facility in Westchester County.
- Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), contaminants of emerging concern due to their possible impacts on human health and aquatic ecosystems, were detected in New York City’s water supply. Virtually all PPCPs are contaminants for which no state or federal drinking water standards have been established, and only 5 of the 14 filtered and unfiltered cities surveyed reported testing drinking water for PPCPs in 2009 and 2010 (New York, Seattle, Chicago, Boston and Portland, Oregon). After confirming the presence of trace concentrations of some PPCPs in the City’s surface water supplies in 2010, New York was the only one of the 5 cities that did not continue to test for PPCPs in 2011.
- Resume testing for pharmaceuticals and other contaminants of emerging concern to monitor presence of and changes in the concentrations of these compounds. In addition, we urge New York State and the federal government to develop regulatory standards for these contaminants in municipal drinking water supplies.
- Require retrofitting of lead-soldered plumbing in households where lead is detected in tap water.
- Reduce or eliminate waterborne pathogens in drinking water supplies by continuing to identify and monitor the sources of those pathogens and maintain and if necessary, enhance source controls, such as the Whole Farm Program and the Waterfowl Management Program, to address those causes.
- Implement effective turbidity control measures to reduce risk from pathogens and avoid costly filtration. Increased turbidity associated with climate change and land use practices can mask or prevent proper disinfection of pathogens, and could prompt NYSDOH to require costly filtration of New York’s drinking water supply. To protect New York City’s reservoirs, delivery system and consumers, DEP should continue to implement turbidity control measures that include, but are not limited to, expanding the Stream Management Plan to remediate more impaired Catskill stream reaches, and should re-evaluate and implement structural control practices such as a multi-level intake in the Schoharie Reservoir and/or a clarification facility downstream of the Ashokan Reservoir.
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