News > Events > Getting to Zero in Dutch Kills – Community Workshop

Getting to Zero in Dutch Kills – Community Workshop

February 26, 2019: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Boyce Technologies - 47-22 Pearson Place, Long Island City, Queens map
To Attend:

Every year, the City’s combined sewer system discharges nearly 200 million gallons of pollute stormwater runoff mixed with untreated sewage (often referred to as CSO) into the Dutch Kills tributary of Newtown Creek. Local stakeholders, who are working on restoration and educational projects in the community that surrounds this former maritime artery, have identified a series of projects that can be implemented over the next decade to help decrease CSO’s and improve water quality in this vital section of Newtown Creek. Come weigh in on the project list and help build a community-driven action plan to decrease CSO’s in DutchKills to zero!

Dinner will be served; please RSVP.

This event is sponsored by the SWIM Coalition, Newtown Creek Alliance, Green Shores NYC, NYC Soil & Water Conservation District, and Riverkeeper.

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