The Trump administration is recklessly moving forward with rollbacks of federal Clean Water Act protections and putting New York’s waterways and wetlands at risk.
This briefing will address the EPA’s new policy, the “Navigable Waters Protection Rule” (final rule published 4/22/20) set to take effect June 2020. Riverkeeper’s legislative Advocacy manager, Jeremy Cherson, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter’s conservation director, Roger Downs, and a special guest (TBA) will discuss how this new rule narrows the definition of the “waters of the United States” rule which dictates which waters fall under the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act and authorize protection by the EPA and Army Corps.
Panelists will discuss the regulatory gap that is being created by this federal rollback and which NY waters are under direct threat because they will no longer be regulated at the federal level. Specifically, they will address how this will affect NY streams and wetlands. The webinar will conclude with a live question and answer.