Join acclaimed filmmaker Jon Bowermaster & experts from the Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson for a special screening of four short documentaries from the series The Hudson: A River at Risk.
Following the screening, the filmmaker will moderate a panel discussion with experts from the Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson about the newly documented public health threats from the PCB contamination in the Hudson River—the nation’s largest federal toxic waste site.
Learn what you can do—on social media, email and in your community—to ensure a #CleanerHudson for future generations.
Panelists will include:
• Kathleen Nolan, M.D. pediatrician, bioethicist and co-founder of Concerned Health Professionals of New York
• Abigail Jones, Esq. Staff Attorney, Riverkeeper
• Ned Sullivan President, Scenic Hudson
ADMISSION: $10 (members), $15 (nonmembers) BUY TICKETS