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Radio Interview: Wallkill River and Watershed Water Quality

July 7, 2015: 8:00AM to 9:00AM
On Air - WDST 100.1 FM
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Patricia Henigan and Brenda Bowers paddle the Wallkill River. (Photo by Dan Shapley)

Patricia Henigan and Brenda Bowers paddle the Wallkill River. (Photo by Dan Shapley)

Tune into WDST 100.1 FM or listen live for an interview about the Wallkill River and water quality in the Hudson River watershed.

Jason West, the coordinator of the new Wallkill River Watershed Alliance, and Dan Shapley, Riverkeeper Water Quality Program Manager, will talk to Jimmy Buff, WDST’s program director and morning show host.

We’ll discuss the early work of the newly formed Wallkill River Watershed Alliance, including results of the first and second Boat Brigades.

We’ll also talk about the next meeting of the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance, July 15 at 7 p.m. at New Paltz Village Hall; the next citizen Boat Brigade departing from the DEC boat launch on Springton Road in Rosendale on July 25 at 9 a.m.

And we’ll talk about some of the results of Riverkeeper’s annual water quality report: “How’s the Water?” which provides new information about the results of water quality in tributaries of the Hudson River, including the Rondout and Wallkill watershed, where partners help Riverkeeper sample 43 locations monthly.

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