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Security Sideshow at Indian Point Leaves Public at Risk


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Just when you thought Indian Point security couldn’t get more laughable, police arrested a second person for stealing scrap metal from the nuclear plant – in this case, a maintenance worker carted off more than $10,000 in copper wiring. This incident is considered to be a part of a bigger ring involving the theft of thousands of pounds of wiring that were sold to a scrap yard in Dutchess County.

Indian Point has two nuclear reactors and thousands of tons of nuclear waste, 34 miles from Times Square. This plant should be the most secure piece of property in the country, next to the White House, but it’s not, by a long shot.

Where is the NRC, and Entergy’s highly touted private security force during all this? How many people have to be asleep at the switch for this to go on for so long? Where is the oversight from our Congresspeople and Senators?

The public deserves far, far better than this Keystone Cops sideshow at Indian Point – we need a public investigation and a complete overhaul of security at this dangerous facility, before someone walks off with something more dangerous than scrap metal.

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